Easton Press Signed First Editions

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  1. Adler, Mortimer J. - Adler's Philosophical Dictionary

  2. Adler, Mortimer J. - The Four Dimensions of Philosophy

  3. Albee, Edward - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

  4. Albright, Madeleine - Memo to the President Elect

  5. Albright, Madeleine - Madam Secretary: A Memoir

  6. Albright, Madeleine - The Mighty and The Almighty

  7. Alda, Alan - Never Have Your Dog Stuffed

  8. Alexander, Jane - Command Performance

  9. Ambrose, Stephen E. - Citizen Soldiers

  10. Ambrose, Stephen E. - D-Day, June 6, 1944

  11. Ambrose, Stephen E. - Nixon: Ruin and Recovery 1973-1990

  12. Ambrose, Stephen E. - Nothing Like It In The World

  13. Angelou, Maya - Celebrations

  14. Ashcroft, John - Never Again

  15. Ashrawi, Hanan - This Side of Peace

  16. Asimov, Isaac - Prelude to Foundation

  17. Atkinson, Rick - The Long Grey Line

  18. Bacall, Lauren - By Myself and Then Some

  19. Baker III, James A - The Politics of Diplomacy

  20. Baker, III, James A. - "Work Hard, Study... And Keep Out of Politics!"'

  21. Barenboim, Daniel - A Life in Music

  22. Barry, Dave -

  23. The Lying Stones of Marrakech but Stephen Jay - Signed First Edition

  24. Bear, Greg Queen of Angels

  25. Belafonte, Harry - My Song

  26. Bennet, William - The Moral Compass

  27. Bennet, William J. - America: The Last Best Hope: Vol 1

  28. Bennet, William J. - America: The Last Best Hope: Vol 2

  29. Berendt, John - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

  30. Berger, Thomas - Little Big Man

  31. Bocelli, Andrea - The Music of Silence

  32. Boutros-Ghali, Boutros - Egypts Road to Jerusalem

  33. Bradley, Bill - The New American Story

  34. Bremer III, L. Paul - My Year In Iraq

  35. Breslin, Jimmy - I Don't Want to Go to Jail

  36. Brezezinski, Zbigniew - Out of Control

  37. Brezezinski, Zbigniew - The Grand Chess Board

  38. Brokaw, Tom - A Long Way From Home

  39. Buchwald, Art - We'll Laugh Again

  40. Buchwald, Art - I'll Always Have Paris

  41. Buckley Jr., William F. - Windfall

  42. Buckley Jr., William F. - The RedHunter

  43. Buckley, Jr., William F. - The Story of Henry Tod

  44. Buckley, William F. - Buckley: The Right Word

  45. Bugliosi, Vincent - Helter Skelter

  46. Burke, James Lee - The Tin Roof Blowdown

  47. Bush, Barbara - Reflections: Life After The White House

  48. Bush, George H. W. - All The Best, George Bush

  49. Bush, George H. W. - Speaking Of Freedom: The Collected Speeches

  50. Byatt, A.S. - Possession

  51. Card, Orson Scott - Maps in a Mirror

  52. Carlin, George - Brain Droppings

  53. Carter, Jimmy - A Remarkable Mother

  54. Carter, Jimmy - Keeping Faith

  55. Carter, Jimmy - The Hornet's Nest

  56. Carter, Jimmy - Living Faith

  57. Carter, Jimmy - Beyond the White House

  58. Cassini, Oleg - A Thousand Days of Magic

  59. Castenada, Carlos - The Art of Dreaming

  60. Cernan, Eugene - The Last Man on the Moon

  61. Chavalier, Tracy - Girl With A Pearl Earring

  62. Churchill, Winston S. - Never Give In!

  63. Collins, Judy - Singing Lessons

  64. Cooper, Gordon - Leap of Faith

  65. Cosby, Bill - Friends of a Feather

  66. Cosby, Bill - Love & Marriage

  67. Cosell, Howard - What's Wrong with Sports

  68. Cronkite, Walter - Around America

  69. Curtis, Tony - American Prince

  70. Danforth, John - Faith and Politics

  71. DeLay, Tom - No Retreat No Surrender

  72. Dershowitz, Alan - Just Revenge

  73. Dickson, Gordon R. - Wolf & Iron

  74. Dillard, Annie - For the Time Being

  75. Doctorow, E. L. - Ragtime

  76. Dole, Bob - Great Presidential Wit

  77. Dole, Bob - Great Political Wit

  78. Douglas, Kirk - Climbing The Mountain

  79. Douglas, Kirk - I Am Spartacus

  80. Dowd, Maureen - Are Men Necessary?

  81. Downs, Hugh - My America

  82. Dukakis, Olympia - Ask Me Again Tomorrow

  83. Dulles, Alan Foster - A Call to Arms

  84. Dunaway, Faye - Looking For Gatsby

  85. Ebadi, Shirin - Iran Awakening

  86. Ebert, Roger - The Great Movies

  87. Ebert, Roger - Life Itself

  88. Eisenhower, John S.D. - General Ike

  89. Esquivel, Laura - Like Water for Chocolate

  90. Fleischer, Ari - Taking Heat

  91. Fonda, Peter - Don't Tell Dad

  92. Ford, Gerald - A Time to Heal

  93. Ford, Richard - Independence Day

  94. Foreman, George - By George

  95. Fowles, John - The French Lieutenant's Woman

  96. Frankel, Max - The Times of My Life

  97. Fraser, Antonia - The Wives of Henry VIII

  98. Frazier, Joe - Smokin' Joe

  99. Galbraith, John Kenneth - Name-Dropping

  100. Galbraith, John Kenneth - The Economics of Innocent Fraud

  101. Gergen, David - Eyewitness to Power

  102. Gifford, Frank - The Glory Game

  103. Gifford, Frank - The Glory Game

  104. Gilbert, Elizabeth - Eat, Pray Love

  105. Gingrich, Newt - Gettysburg

  106. Gingrich, Newt - To Renew America

  107. Glenn, John - John Glenn: A Memoir

  108. Goodall, Jane - Reason for Hope

  109. Gooden, Dwight - Heat

  110. Goodwin, Doris Kearns - Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

  111. Gorbachev - Perestroika 1

  112. Gould, Steve Jay - Bully for Brontosaurus

  113. Gould, Steve Jay - The Lying Stones of Marrakech

  114. Hagel, Chuck - America: Our Next Chapter

  115. Hagman, Larry - Hello Darlin'

  116. Haig, Alexander - Inner Circles

  117. Halberstam, David - The Best and the Brightest

  118. Halberstam, David - War In A Time Of Peace

  119. Harris, Charlaine - Dead Until Dark

  120. Harris, Mark - Bang the Drum Slowly

  121. Hawn, Goldie - A Lotus Grows In The Mud

  122. Hayes, Helen - My Life in Three Acts

  123. Helprin, Mark - Winter's Tale

  124. Herzog, Whitey - You're Missin' a Great Game

  125. Heston, Charlton - Beijing Diary

  126. Hotchner, A.E. - Blown Away

  127. How Life Imitates Chess by Garry Kasparov - Signed First Edition

  128. How Life Imitates Chess by Garry Kasparov - Signed First Edition

  129. Hutchinson, Bailey Kay - Leading Ladies

  130. Hutchinson, Kay Bailey - American Heroines

  131. In Retrospect by Robert MacNamara - Signed First Edition

  132. In Retrospect by Robert MacNamara - Signed First Edition

  133. Irving, John - A Prayer For Owen Meany

  134. Isaacson, Walter - Einstein - His Life and Universe

  135. Jackson, Jermaine - You Are Not Alone - Michael: Through a Brother's Eyes

  136. James Carville and Paul Begalia - Take It Back

  137. Jeffords, James M. - An Independent Man

  138. Jennings, Waylon - Waylon

  139. Jerry Lewis and James Kaplan - Dean & Me: A Love Story

  140. Johnson, Haynes - Divided We Fall

  141. Jong, Erica - Fear of Flying

  142. Kahn, Roger - The Boys of Summer

  143. Kampleman, Max M. - Entering New Worlds

  144. Karpov, Anatoly - Karpov on Karpov

  145. Keelor, Garrison - Lake Wobegon Summer 1956

  146. Keillor, Garrison - Lake Wobegon Days

  147. Ken, Auletta - Three Blind Mice

  148. Keneally, Thomas - American Scoundrel

  149. Kennedy, Edward M. - America Back on Track

  150. Kennedy, William - Ironweed

  151. Kerrey, Bob - When I Was a Young Man

  152. Kerry, John - The New War

  153. Kerry, John - A Call To Service

  154. Kesey, Ken - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

  155. Keyes, Daniel - Flowers for Algernon

  156. King, Alan - Name Dropping

  157. King, BB - Blues All Around Me

  158. King, Larry - Future Talk

  159. King, Larry - Tell Me More

  160. King, Larry - Anything Goes

  161. Kinsella, W. P. - Shoeless Joe

  162. Kissinger, Henry - Does America Need a Foreign Policy?

  163. Kissinger, Henry - Years of Renewal

  164. Kissinger, Henry - On China

  165. Kramer, Stanley - A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

  166. Kuralt, Charles - A Life On The Road

  167. Kurt Vonnegut - Fates Worse Than Death

  168. Kurt Vonnegut - Timequake

  169. Lahiri, Jhumpa - Interpreter of Maladies

  170. Lawrence, Jerome - Lee, Robert E. Inherit the Wind

  171. Leakey, Richard and Lewin, Roger - Origins Reconsidered

  172. Lee, Stan and Mair, George - Excelsior!

  173. Lehrer, Jim - The Special Prisoner

  174. Leno, Jay - Leading With My Chin

  175. Levin, Ira - Rosemary's Baby

  176. Lieberman, Joseph - In Praise of Public Life

  177. Lieberman, Joseph & Hadassah - An Amazing Adventure

  178. Lincoln, W. Bruce - Red Victory

  179. Lott, Trent - Herding Cats

  180. Lovell & Kluger - Lost Moon

  181. Lowry, Lois - The Giver

  182. Lynn, Loretta - Still Woman Enough

  183. Mailer, Norman - The Castle in the Forest

  184. Malden, Karl - When Do I Start?

  185. Martin, Steve - The Pleasure of My Company

  186. Matthiessean, Peter - Lost Man's River

  187. Matthiessen, Peter - The Snow Leopard

  188. McCain, John - Why Courage Matters

  189. McCain, John - Worth The Fighting For

  190. McCourt, Frank - 'Tis: A Memoir

  191. McInerney, Jay - Bright Lights, Big City

  192. McKay, Jim - The Real McKay

  193. Mehta, Ved - The Ledge Between the Streams

  194. Miller, Arthur - Death of a Salesman

  195. Mitchell, Andrea - Talking Back

  196. Moody, Rick - The Ice Storm

  197. Moore, Roger - My Word is My Bond

  198. Mortimer, John - Rumpole of the Bailey

  199. Mortimer, John - Summer's Lease
    Moyers, Bill - Healing and The Mind

  200. Newhart, Bob - I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This

  201. Nixon, Richard - Richard Nixon Memoirs

  202. O'Conner, Sandra Day - The Majesty of The Law

  203. O'Connor, Sandra Day and Day, H. Alan - Lazy B

  204. O'Neal, Tatum - A Paper Life

  205. O'Neil, Buck - I Was Right on Time

  206. Oates, Joyce Carol - A Widow's Story

  207. Oates, Joyce Carol - My Heart Laid Bare

  208. Osgood, Charles - Funny Letters from Famous People

  209. Pataki, George E. - Pataki

  210. Peres, Shimon - The New Middle East

  211. Peters, Thomas and Waterman, Robert H. - In Search of Excellence

  212. Philbrick, Nathaniel - Mayflower

  213. Picciotto, Richard - Last Man Down

  214. Pickens, T. Boone - The First Billion Is The Hardest

  215. Pirsig, Robert M. - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

  216. Podhoretz, Norman - Ex-Friends

  217. Poitier, Sidney - Life Beyond Measure

  218. Proulx, Annie - The Shipping News

  219. Quayle, Dan - Worth Fighting For

  220. Quinn, Anthony - One Man Tango

  221. Rather, Dan - Deadlines & Datelines

  222. Rather, Dan - The American Dream

  223. Rawicz, Slavomir - The Long Walk

  224. Reagan, Ronald - A Shining City

  225. Redstone, Sumner - A Passion to Win

  226. Reich, Robert B. - Locked in the Cabinet

  227. Reiner, Carl - NNNNN

  228. Reston Jr., James - Collision at Home Plate

  229. Ringo, John - The Last Centurion

  230. Rivers, Joan - Bouncing Back

  231. Robbins, Yom - Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

  232. Robert Silverberg - To the Land of the Living

  233. Roberts, Cokie - Ladies of Liberty: The Women Who Shaped Our Nation

  234. Roberts, Cokie - Founding Mothers

  235. Rockefeller, David - Memoirs

  236. Rogers, Ginger - Ginger: My Story

  237. Roker, Al - Don't Make Me Stop This Car

  238. Roth, Philip - The Anatomy Lesson

  239. Roth, Philip - The Counterlife

  240. Rushdie, Salman - The Enchantress of Florence

  241. Russell, Bill - Red and Me

  242. Russert, Tim - Wisdom of Our Fathers

  243. Russert, Tim - Big Russ and Me

  244. Russo, Richard - Empire Falls

  245. Safire, William - The First Dissident

  246. Schieffer, Bob - This Just In

  247. Schleshinger, Arthur M. - A Life in the 20th Century

  248. Schlesinger, Jr, Arthur M. - The Cycles of American History

  249. Schorr, Daniel - Come to Think of It

  250. Schulberg, Budd - What makes Sammy Run?

  251. Scribner, Charles - In the Company of Writers

  252. Shaara, Jeff - Gods and Generals

  253. Shaq Uncut by Shaquille O'Neal - Signed First Edition

  254. Shaq Uncut by Shaquille O'Neal - Signed First Edition

  255. Shepherd, Cybill - Cybil Disobedience

  256. Sillitoe, Alan - The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

  257. Simon, Senator Paul - P.S.

  258. Smiley, Jane - A Thousand Acres

  259. Smith, Hendrick - The New Russians

  260. Sorensen, Ted - Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History

  261. Sorensen, Theodore - Why I Am A Democrat

  262. Sparks, Nicholas - The Rescue

  263. Stahl, Lesley - Reporting Live

  264. Stephanopoulus, George - All Too Human

  265. Stern, Isaac - My First 79 Years

  266. Stiller, Jerry - Married to Laughter

  267. Stone, Irving - Depths of Glory

  268. Styron, William - Sophie's Choice

  269. Tan, Amy - The Joy Luck Club

  270. Tan, Amy - Saving Fish From Drowning

  271. Teller, Edward - Memoirs

  272. Temple, Shirley - Child Star

  273. Tenet, George - At the Center of the Storm

  274. Thatcher, Margaret - The Downing Street Years

  275. Thatcher, Margaret - The Path to Power

  276. Theroux, Paul - The Happy Isles of Oceania

  277. Thomas, Clarence - My Grandfather's Son

  278. Thomas, Helen - Front Row At The White House

  279. Thompson, Fred - Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir

  280. Trillin, Calvin - Messages from My Father

  281. Trudeau, Gary - Flashbacks

  282. Turner, Ted - Call Me Ted

  283. Tutu, Desmond - No Future Without Forgiveness

  284. Tutu, Desmond - God Has a Dream

  285. Tyler, Anne - The Accidental Tourist

  286. Tyler, Anne - Breathing Lessons

  287. Updike, John - Licks of Love

  288. Updike, John - Rabbit, Run

  289. Updike, John - Bech At Bay

  290. Updike, John - Roger's Version

  291. Updike, John - Self-Conciousness

  292. Vidal, Gore - Burr

  293. Vidal, Gore - Lincoln

  294. Vidal, Gore - The Golden Age

  295. Vincent, Fay - The Only Game In Town

  296. Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse-Five

  297. Vonnegut, Kurt - Bagombo Snuff Box

  298. Wagner, Robert J. - Pieces of My Heart

  299. Ward, Geoffrey C. - American Originals

  300. Watson, James D. - Genes, Girls and Gamow

  301. Watson, James D. - The Double Helix

  302. Welch, Jack - Winning

  303. Welch, Rachel - Beyond the Cleavage

  304. West, Jerry and Coleman, Jonathan - West by West

  305. Wiesel, Elie - The Sonderberg Case

  306. Wiesel, Elie - Sages and Dreamers

  307. Wiesel, Elie - The Judges

  308. Wilder, Gene - Kiss Me Like a Stranger

  309. Will, George F. - Men At Work

  310. Wills, Garry - Under God

  311. Woodward, Bob - The Secret Man

  312. Woodward, Bob - The War Within

  313. Woodward, Bob - Maestro

  314. Xingjian, Gao - Soul Mountain

  315. Young, Andrew - An Easy Burden